Welcome to xfpoint, a XenForo resource site with tips, tricks, hacks, and resources for new xenForo webmaster to improve their community.
At xfpoint, my mission is to provide useful xenForo tutorials that are easy to understand for non-techy xenForo website owners.
Why xfpoint (My Story)
My name is Shabbir Bhimani, and I’m the founder of xfpoint.
I always love to build communities and my journey of building communities goes back in 2004ish time when I was fresh out from college and started Go4Expert.com with vBulletin. Was using vBulletin 3.x and moved over to vBulletin 3.5.x. Even pre-ordered vBulletin 4.x and once Jelsoft was sold off to Internet Brands things fall apart.
I gave ample time to Internet Brands and to vBulletin to revive but that never happened. I was aware of xenForo which was started by is former vBulletin lead developers Kier Darby and Mike Sullivan but wanted to make sure I am not moving to a software that cannot last a lawsuit from Internet Brands. I was even tracking Internet Brands and xenForo lawsuit very closely and to the extent that I even started tracking Internet Brands on NYSE and at one point it got delisted from NYSE. Though I had ordered xenForo, I did not make a switch from vBulletin to xenForo, until I was 100% sure about the verdict of the lawsuit.
Once xenForo won the lawsuit, I moved my first forum from vBulletin to xenForo and slowly but surely all my communities are now running on xenForo. I have helped many of my clients move over from vBulletin to xenForo and this is how I made a move to xenForo.