XenForo admin area isn’t inside a directory but is accessible via the admin.php file. So one can’t add htaccess based password protection to a directory
What is Cache?
Cache is a mechanism to create multiple copies of the original data and store it in a form such that it can be accessed much faster.
What is CDN?
CDN stands for content delivery network or content distribution network and is mainly used to serve the static content of a web page like images, media, JavaScript and CSS.
How to Fix ‘xf_session is marked as crashed and should be repaired’ Error In XenForo
An unexpected shut down of MySQL due to memory and xf_session table being frequently written is likely to crash and is the root cause of the issue.
What is: Template
In XenForo, templates can contain HTML or CSS code along with a wide range of template Syntax like if conditions, foreach syntax, contentcheck etc.